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Seuk Theng Leong
Fakhruddin Shamsheer Barodawala
Vidyut Rajhans


Background and Objective: Amidst the myopia epidemic, the number of contact lens (CL) users is steadily increasing, especially youngsters. Many CL practitioners presume optimum knowledge and good practice of CL usage by medical professionals. With rising complications and a significant dropout rate, there is a need to investigate the knowledge (K), attitudes (A), and practices (P) among CL users. This study aimed to assess the K, A, and P in CL users registered in various programs in a university. We hypothesized no difference between K, A, and P in CL users with medical (M) and non-medical (N) academic backgrounds.

Methods and Materials: A pre-validated questionnaire, consisting of 19 questions on knowledge, 9 questions on attitude, and 30 questions on practice, was distributed among the university students admitted to various programs, excluding optometry, through an online survey tool. Inferences were drawn using a Chi-square test and Mann-Whitney U test to compare the M and N groups, with a predetermined significance of 0.05. Spearman’s correlation gave a relationship between the K, A, and P of CL users.

Results: Out of 1041 (M=146 and N=895) valid responses, 476 (45.7%) respondents had prior experience or were CL users. The prevalence of CL users was a little higher in the N group (M=39.0%; N=46.8%) but statistically not significant (χ2=3.057, df=1, p>0.05). The knowledge about CL hygiene and complications was not significantly different between the two groups (U=10370, z=–1.645, p>0.05). However, there was a significant difference in the attitude towards CL wear and care (U=9268, z= –2.751, p<0.05) and practice of lens wear and care (U=8770, z=–3.318, p<0.05). For all the respondents, a weak correlation between knowledge and practice was observed (r=0.137, p<0.05), and a fair to strong correlation in medical respondents (r=0.465, p<0.05). For the non-medical student group, a statistically significant weak correlation was found between attitude and practice (r=0.110, p<0.05).


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Theng Leong S, Barodawala FS, Rajhans V. COMPARISON OF KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDE, AND PRACTICES TOWARDS CL USAGE AMONGST MEDICAL AND NON-MEDICAL STUDENTS. JCLRS [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 7 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];8(1):e1-e19. Available from:
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