Wear Experience with a Daily Disposable Soft Contact Lens for Astigmatism in Current Wearers of a Reusable Soft Toric Contact Lens

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Jennifer Swingle Fogt
Nidhi Satiani
Kimberly Patton


Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the wear experience of satisfied wearers of a particular reusable
toric soft contact lens when refit into a water surface technology daily disposable toric soft contact lens.

Methods: Thirty participants completed the study over three visits. At the first visit, subjects were refitted with their habitual reusable toric soft contact lens (comfilcon A) to maximize fit and vision. Subjects returned after one week and were then refit into the study daily disposable soft contact lenses (verofilcon A) and completed surveys of their initial impressions of comfort, vision, and satisfaction. Participants wore the study lenses for two weeks and then returned for their final visit to complete a vision and ocular health check. At the final visit, subjects also completed surveys to rate their overall and end-of-day comfort, quality of vision, stability of vision, and dryness using a visual analog scale (VAS). Participants also answered questions about their wear experience with the lenses. All data and surveys’ overall median and interquartile range (IQR) were calculated.

Results: Initial impressions of the study lenses revealed a median (IQR) score of 85 (28) for vision, 91 (25) for comfort, and 87 (21) for satisfaction. Overall VAS scores after two weeks of wear found median scores of 93 (16) for quality of vision, 88 (28) for stability of vision, and 91 (20) for comfort. End-of-day median scores were 82(27) for quality of vision, 90 (35) for stability of vision, and 80 (38) for comfort. Overall dryness scores were 20(45), and end-of-day dryness was 39 (46). Median(IQR) binocular logMAR visual acuity with the study lenses was -0.16(0.1). The median rotation of the lenses was 0(4.3) degrees.

Conclusion: Participants wearing the daily disposable study lenses for astigmatism gave high scores in vision and comfort at the initial fitting and after two weeks of lens wear. Results showed that satisfied wearers of comfilcon A reusable toric soft contact lenses can be successfully refitted with verofilcon A daily disposable contact lenses.


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How to Cite
Fogt JS, Satiani N, Patton K. Wear Experience with a Daily Disposable Soft Contact Lens for Astigmatism in Current Wearers of a Reusable Soft Toric Contact Lens. JCLRS [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 29 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];7(1):1-6. Available from: http://www.jclrs.org/index.php/JCLRS/article/view/54
Original Article


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