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Jennifer Swingle Fogt
Abigail Menner
Kimberly Patton


Purpose: Soft contact lens wearers are often prescribed the same lens material and modality for multiple years if patients express satisfaction and no significant problems with lens fit or ocular health are noted upon evaluation. Despite their satisfaction, other lenses may exist that could provide additional health or
convenience benefits and a satisfied lens wear experience.
Methods: In this study, wearers of a specific monthly replacement lens brand (comfilcon A) were recruited for an open-label study. The habitual contact lens prescription was optimized for 2 weeks of wear, and participants confirmed that they were satisfied with their habitual lenses before being refit with daily disposable lenses (verofilcon A). Participants responded to visual analog scale (VAS) survey about their initial impressions of the lenses. After 2 weeks of lens wear, participants completed a final study visit and completed surveys about lens wear experiences with the daily disposable study lenses.
Results: Fifteen male and 15 female participants completed the study. Median (IQR) binocular LogMAR visual acuity was –0.20(0.12), equivalent to 20/12.5 Snellen acuity. Initial impression surveys revealed a median (interquartile range) of 92.5(22.3) for quality of vision; 95.0(19.3) for comfort; and 91.5(19.3) for satisfaction. At the final visit, median scores for EOD quality of vision was 86.5(24.0); EOD comfort was 84.5(30.3), and EOD dryness 25.5 (47.0). Median overall VAS scores were 92.5(16.0) for vision; 88.0(18.3) for comfort, and 17.5(25.8) for dryness. Median satisfaction with the study lenses was scored 9(2.8) on a 1-10 scale.
Conclusions: In this study, satisfied wearers of comfilcon A reusable lens were refit with verofilcon A daily disposable lenses and showed high satisfaction scores with the new lenses, showing that refitting these patients can allow patients to have lenses with more frequent replacement and maintain satisfaction with daily lens wear.


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Fogt JS, Menner A, Patton K. EVALUATION OF WEAR EXPERIENCE WITH WATER SURFACE DAILY DISPOSABLE LENSES IN SATISFIED REUSABLE SOFT CONTACT LENS WEARERS. JCLRS [Internet]. 2023 Jul. 31 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];6(1):e18-e24. Available from: http://www.jclrs.org/index.php/JCLRS/article/view/53
Original Article


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