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Ananya Datta
Erin S. Tomiyama
Kathryn Richdale


Background and objective: The fitting of orthokeratology (ortho-k) and multifocal soft contact lenses (SCL) is becoming increasingly popular worldwide for reducing the rate of myopia progression. However, overnight wear use of lenses and microbial contamination of contact lenses and storage vials has been shown to increase the risk of corneal inflammatory and infiltrative events (CIEs). Therefore, we conducted a pilot study to compare the rate, level, and type of microbial contamination of contact lenses and storage vials
when participants wear ortho-k and SCL in combination with a hydrogen-peroxide disinfecting system.

Material and Methods: A prospective, single-centre, randomized, crossover study was conducted to evalu-ate the rate and level of contact lens and storage vials contamination during the use of ortho-k and SCL along with a hydrogen-peroxide disinfecting solution over two 10 day wearing periods. Ocular signs and symptoms were assessed during lens wear at baseline and after each wearing period. In addition, contact lens and storage vials were collected, and the type and amount of microbial contamination were evaluated using viable culture and standard identification methods.
Results: Twenty-five adults were enrolled, and 21 completed the study. One (5%) ortho-k lens, five (24%) ortho-k storage vials, one (5%) SCL and one (5%) SCL storage vial were contaminated (P > 0.05), predominantly with Gram-positive bacteria. None of the participants had contamination with both ortho-k and SCL. No significant differences were found between the ocular signs, including conjunctival redness and roughness, or conjunctival or corneal staining (all P > 0.05), irrespective of using ortho-k or SCL.

Conclusion: This study provides the first data that directly compares microbial contamination of ortho-K versus SCL in patients using a hydrogen-peroxide disinfection system. However, the overall microbial contamination rate of contact lens storage vials was much lower (30%) than the previously reported study with ortho-k lens wear. The results support conducting a larger clinical trial designed to understand differences in microbial contamination with different lens materials and modalities.


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How to Cite
Datta A, Tomiyama ES, Richdale K. MICROBIAL BIOBURDEN OF ORTHOKERATOLOGY AND HYDROGEL CONTACT LENSES AND STORAGE CASES USING A HYDROGEN-PEROXIDE DISINFECTING SYSTEM: A PILOT STUDY. JCLRS [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 26 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];5(1):e19-e31. Available from: http://www.jclrs.org/index.php/JCLRS/article/view/43
Original Article
Author Biographies

Ananya Datta, University of Houston

University of Houston College of Optometry, Texas, USA

Erin S. Tomiyama, University of Houston

University of Houston College of Optometry, Texas, USA

Kathryn Richdale, University of Houston

University of Houston College of Optometry, Texas, USA


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