Scleral Lens Issues and Complications Related to Handling, Care and Compliance

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Daddi Fadel
Mindy Toabe


Scleral contact lens (ScCL) handling may be challenging and is the principle reason for ScCL drop out. ScCL care systems are more intricate than other lens modalities and include solutions for cleaning, disinfection, storing, rinsing and filling the lens; respecting the use of each solution recommended is fundamental. Replacement of the lenses, solutions, case and plungers are important in order to decrease the risk of adverse events associated with ScCL wear. Compliance is crucial regarding hygiene, solution use, case and plunger care, wear time, follow-up schedule, and handling techniques. Non-compliance may lead to discontinuation of ScCL due to difficulties associated with this unique lens design.

This paper presents complications secondary to handling, care and compliance that clinicians and patients may encounter while wearing ScCL. Instructions are provided to enhance the understanding on management surrounding these issues. This manuscript includes three tables to summarize types of complications, their symptoms, clinical signs, etiology, and management for a quick find index for easy consultation during daily clinical practice.


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How to Cite
Fadel D, Toabe M. Scleral Lens Issues and Complications Related to Handling, Care and Compliance. JCLRS [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 26 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];2(2):e1-e13. Available from:
Review Article


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