Scleral Lens Hygiene and Care

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Daddi Fadel
Mindy Toabe


Scleral lenses (ScCLs) are developed using the same material as rigid gas permeable corneal lenses yet the care of scleral lenses differs from corneal lenses. These large diameter rigid gas permeable lenses necessitate hygiene, care and compliance protocol that is more complex compared with corneal lenses. Cleaning, disinfection, storing, rinsing and applying ScCL will be discussed. Practitioners will gain confidence in ScCL care which will provide patients with a better understanding of the steps involved in ScCL disinfection leading to increased patient compliance and increased success rates. In turn, patient education will lower the risk for infection and other complications associated with ScCL.


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Fadel D, Toabe M. Scleral Lens Hygiene and Care. JCLRS [Internet]. 2018 Apr. 24 [cited 2024 Oct. 22];2(1):e30-e37. Available from:
Review Article


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